Saturday, February 02, 2013

How do I move on? (Thoughts After Laneway Festival and Big Night Out)

          It's been two days since I got back from Singapore a.k.a. my personal trip to indie music haven and I don't know how I could even move on from such a euphoric experience.

          From the moment I found out that Vampire Weekend are going to play at Fort Canning Park on January 30, without a shadow of a doubt, I said to myself that I am going to this concert. I've never felt so certain and so sure of anything. You have to know, Vampire Weekend is my favorite band, ever! I mean, I do love a lot of bands and artists but nothing else compares to my love for Vampire Weekend. I love their music. I love their sound. I love them as a band. And I love them individually. This band just means a lot to me. My blog's namesake is actually from one of their first songs. My point here is: I cannot for the life of me miss this concert.

          I don't know how but somehow, everything fell into place. I went with two of my friends to Singapore solely for the purpose of attending Laneway Festival 2013 and Big Night Out, which was the concert Vampire Weekend was going to play. It was just our luck that Laneway Festival was 4 days before the Vampire Weekend concert so we took advantage of it and decided to go to both. We flew on the 25th and left midnight of the 31st of January. In that span of six days, I've seen my favorite band play live, seen my current band crushes, and discovered amazing talents. I was on a high. I never thought I would actually be able to experience what I've been through in these past few days. I've always dreamt of going to music festivals and see great bands play live. To finally fulfill this longing is quite unbelievably wonderful. It's the best feeling ever. I remembering uttering, "I belong here. I love this scene!" What a cliche, I know. But 100% true. It was 12 hours of live music from 14 bands for Laneway Festival and 3 big bands for Big Night Out. It was so surreal. I'm glad nobody pinched me in case it was all but a dream.

          I can't stress enough about how incredible the trip was. I repeatedly said, "I'm so happy! I'm so happy!" and jumping up and down like a little girl whose been fed a ton of chocolates. I was elated. I was blissful. I was flying. At this point, I've reached my highest of highs. So how do I go on from being extremely ecstatic to an incredibly dull life the next day? Should I simply pretend that it was just a typical thing to do and really not that exciting as I make it to be when in reality, it's the best thing that's ever happened to me? Life's quite cruel sometimes. But I'm not complaining. I get life. Sometimes it's awesome. Sometimes it's difficult. But most of the time it's dull, repetitive, and mundane.

          Now that I'm back home, I'm still hungover and I feel like I will never recover. Is that bad or just completely childish? I have never been in a situation like this before and I'm stuck. Will this feeling go away in a couple of days? I guess sooner or later it will. But right now, I'm not ready to move on just yet. Let me sulk for a while because I know it will be quite a long time before something as marvelous as this comes along my way again.

Listen to Walcott by Vampire Weekend.

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